Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Food we love to eat

I came across Cooking with Kai on YouTube. Kai is a Japanese chef who enjoys cooking Asian food. This is one that I love as a kid that I am sure my children will enjoy.

They do not cook Wonton Mee the way they used to with thick chicken broth for gravy. This video reminds me of the time when I was a kid. Each time I had a tooth extracted, my mom would take me out for a bowl of Wonton Mee. Callie loves Wonton Mee just as much. She likes helping me in the kitchen sometimes so she maybe interested to learn how to cook it on her own!

Oyster Sauce Honeyed Chicken is Calvin's favourite. I have discovered that there are many healthy recipes posted at Health Corner. He also likes the Teriyaki Chicken sold at Jaya Jusco. Maybe he will like it enough to learn to cook it with pork ribs himself.

If he does, this is a tip from Mummy. Why waste the broth? Boil more pork ribs in your soup of the day. Once the meat is tender enough remove some to cook the dish.

Where else can my children learn about healthy food and how to cook them? I have that covered at The World's Healthiest Foods.

And why am I so keen about teaching my children to cook? To reduce wastage! They are less likely to throw away food that they have taken so much efforts to cook, right?

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