Thursday, April 25, 2024

3-Ingredient Sponge Cake

I found a 3-Ingredient Sponge Cake and thought that it may be a good idea to make some so that I can bake it smaller amount in the airfryer.  I read that by refrigerating or freezing the cake batter, I can safely keep it for a couple of days or up to several months.  But should I do that?  These are some of the points I picked up about storing batter from Recipe FAQ:

-cake volume is related to the air that has been incorporated into the batter.
-the results will be better if the cake batter is used soon after it has been made.
-cake batter can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours before it is used.
-however, too much air will escape if the batter kept past a couple of days.
-leavening agent like baking soda or baking powder will lose its effectiveness much sooner.
-the texture and rise of the cake will be affected if the batter is stored in the fridge for several hours.

Since sponge cake relies on beaten eggs for leavening, it will not become light and fluffy if air has escaped over time.  If I do not want my sponge cake to be dense and flat, I should use the batter straight away. 

I found a "3-Ingredient Sponge Cake" recipe shared on Easy Home Cooking Facebook page.  These are the ingredients required:

- 4 eggs
- 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
- 1 cup (120g) all-purpose flour

I found another recipe at Savor Easy Youtube channel which provided optional flavouring ingredients to add.  It requires an extra egg to bake it:

-5 large eggs or 4 extra large eggs
-1 cup sugar (200g)
-1 cup all purpose flour (125g)

I think I will go for this recipe as it requires a smaller quantity of ingredients to make the batter:

-4 eggs
-150g (3/4 cup) granulated sugar
-90g (3/4 cup) all-purpose flour

You can see the optional flavouring ingredients that I found from Savor Easy on this recipe card I prepared.

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