Friday, April 19, 2024

One Pot Rice

Let's learn from a chef who has retired how to cook claypot rice.

If you do not have a claypot, you can also use a rice cooker to cook it but it may not be as flavourful.

You can also cook this one pot meal with glutinous rice.  Here is a tip the cook shared for people who, after eating glutinous rice, may have a nauseous feeling like they have overeaten.  She suggested that 1/2 cup of white rice be added to 1 cup of glutinous rice to cook it.  She cooked the ingredients in the rice cooker before removing them to cook the rice without washing the pot.  The cooked ingredients are then added to the cooked rice to mix in.

Here is another method to prepare this one pot meal.  You can marinate the ingredients used for cooking it in the claypot or rice cooker.  However, instead of adding them raw into the claypot or rice cooker with the rice, they should only be added on top the rice once the water in the later is reduced and bubbles can be seen on top of the rice.  The heat as the rice continues to cook in the rice cooker will cook the raw ingredients well.  I would prefer to use boneless chicken to cook it as I do not like the idea of bitting into bones when I eat the rice.

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