Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Give me a word, Mummy

Callie enjoys making sentences. I like it that she is able to pass her time this way while waiting for someone. I have encouraged her to listen to the songs she has heard to see if she can create sentences that can be made into lyrics.

I also highlighted to her that if her sentences are interesting enough, she can make some money from companies running contests or who need slogans for printing on their T-Shirts.

Sometimes this habit of hers can be irritating especially when you are trying to read the Sunday newspaper and you have her breathing down your neck asking for the next word. So, when we are out next Sunday, I am going to bring along a piece of paper and those cuttings from the junk mail I have been keeping to label my vegetables.

I will put all the pictures into a bag and have Callie pull one out so that she can work on making sentences with it based on how she feels about eating the ingredient. Better yet, I will also bring along a pair of scissors and some junk mails so that she can cut out pictures of words she would like to make sentences with. That should keep her busy enough for me to finish reading my Sunday news.

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