Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Substitutes for Potatoes

Do you know that if you run out of potatoes, you can use green bananas as substitute?  You can learn how to cook green bananas by watching this video.

This is a simpler version which is like how you would cook your potatoes but I would rather boil my potatoes in my ABC soup.  Makes me wonder how it will affect the soup flavour if I use green bananas.  I will let you know if I try this experiment.

I would just add butter and not cook the mashed bananas further if they are still hot.

I saw another green bananas recipe on Facebook. Instead of boiling the bananas, the cook grated them.  These are the ingredients required based on the video shared:

I did a search for other substitutes and discovered the following sites:

For days, when your bananas are too ripe for the above recipes, you can make pancakes out of them with eggs.

These are the ingredients for making these pancakes.

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