Sunday, June 23, 2024

Roasted Chicken

Recently, I visited Giant supermarket and managed to buy a roasted chicken for RM10.  Usually they are selling at RM19.90 each.

When I eat roasted chicken, I remove the flesh with a fork and knife so that the bones and skin from the chicken are clean enough to be used for boiling soup.  

This is how I make soup stock out of the carcass.

-place carcass in a pot.
-add enough water (or soup) to cover it to boil for at least half an hour.
-sieve out soup stock and discard carcass. 

I can use the soup stock to:

-boil porridge with meat from the roasted chicken and flavour it with soya sauce/oyster sauce, garlic oil and white pepper.
-add it to the soup I boil for the day to enhance the flavour.

Recently, I cooked my bell pepper dish again and had some leftovers.  

I decided to mix it with some meat from the roasted chicken.

I did not want to heat it up to eat by microwaving or airfrying it as they may become dry.  So, I decided to make puffs out of them.  This is how they turned out after airfrying under setting for making pies.


Kawan is my go to brand for puff pastry.

This time I rolled the pastry up with too much ingredients that, after airfrying them, some of puffs opened up where the ends meet. 

Note:  The next time I made it, I placed half a slice of cheddar cheese on the pastry sheet before adding the ingredients to roll up and airfry.  It tasted even better.

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