Thursday, January 13, 2022

Cooking with Sengkuang

 Sengkuang (yam bean) is also a weekly buy because my girl loves eating it.

I can only cook it when my bike shop is closed as it takes time to prepare. As sengkuang can also be used to sweeten soup, I usually cut out a few pieces to store in the freezer. 

This is how it looks like cooked with
-garlic oil
-soya sauce

As you cook it, the sengkuang will soften and its juice will drip into the sauce. Turn the fire down low to simmer still the sengkuang is tender enough to eat. Add water if the sauce dries up. Leftover sengkuang can be made into popiah by rolling the ingredient in spring roll pastry. 

I do not discard the leftover sauce from this dish as it can be used to flavour rice or porridge. The spring rolls can be deep fried but I prefer to use the air fryer.

If you have the time, you can even make your own wraps.

I will also share with you the traditional way for cooking this yam bean dish which I found on Huang Kitchen.  This is also the way my mother-in-law taught me to cook it.  She also added dried shredded squid, which she soaked in water to clean and soften.  This is then added to the fried dried prawns to fry before the yam bean is added.  I started cooking it without the seafood products when my husband was down with Graves disease and should avoid eating them. You can see the adaptations I have made to it from this chart.

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