Friday, December 24, 2021

A Reason to Boil Extra Pork Ribs in Soups

Whenever I make ABC or Old Winter Melon soup with pork ribs, I will take some out to cook another dish. 

That will reduce your time to cook 1-2-3-4-5 Ribs dish.  

When your pork ribs are already cooked tender in the soup, you don't have to simmer them for 25 minutes. Just pan fry the pork ribs from the soup to brown them both sides. Then cook them in the sauces till the liquid thickens to coat the meat. 

You can also use the following sauces to coat the pork ribs:

1) Soya Sauce
2) Garlic Oil
3) Honey or Brown Sugar
4) Water 
5) Dark Soya Sauce (optional)

Here is a video with another variation for sauces. I like it that the cook also shared substitute sauces you can use:

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