Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bahasa Malaysia homework mate

Callie finds these sites very useful when she tried to do her Bahasa Malaysia homework on her own.

She can search for the meaning of words on Bhanot's Malay-English Dictionary.

Check out WikiQuote for meanings to Malay proverbs

Kataku Automatic Translation is a free service that will enable her to translate English text to Indonesian and Indonesian text to English for up to 300 words.

There is a link to English to Malay dictionary on Dicts.Info. And from there, there is a picture dictionary she can go to if she does not understand the English translation.

Many things for her to pick up via text or audio at Basic Course in Bahasa Malaysia. Here are some for her to look at:

1) At Appendix (the peN, meN and ber- prefixes) she can learn when to use:

men- or pen-
mem- or pem-
meny- or peny-
meng- or peng-
me- or pe-

2) Lesson 60 Penjodoh bilangan (numerical coefficient or classifier)

3) Lesson 49 Sebutan (Pronunciation 1)

4) Lesson 59 Pekerjaan (Occupations)

5) Lesson 50 Sebutan (Pronunciation 2)

6) Lesson 64 Signboard language

Many more of such sites at Travel Portal but not all of them provides the translation free. From there I discovered:

1) Unilang, a Malay language course forum you can consider taking part in when you are older.

2) Malay-Chinese dictionary

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