Monday, April 25, 2022

Don't Throw Away The Fat

When I was younger my mother used to buy pork fat without any meat on it. This she cut into cubes and fried in a wok till the lard dripped off it and the fat became crunchy bits. If you visit a hawker stall selling noodles and they taste better compared to others, it is likely that there is lard drizzled over it or in the soup. Some stalls will even serve their noodles with the fried crunchy bits and if you are a regular customer, they may even add more of it on your request.

If you would like your noodles or dishes cooked with lard, this is how you can render it from the fat. 

This is how I get my dose of lard every week. Every Saturday, we will buy a packet of Siew Yok or roasted pork from the wet market. To heat it up to eat, I air fry it in a metal container with garlic oil and sugar.  I always have a packet of instant noddles at home and I will use the lard left in the container to make Kon Loh Mee or dry-tossed noodles. These are the ingredients I add to the lard to toss with my noodles:

-garlic oil  
-soya sauce and/or oyster sauce
-sasame oil

For those of you who eat bacon for breakfast or use it in your dishes, here is a way you can save the lard you cooked off it.

My family used to enjoy watching "How It's Made" when we subscribed to Astro. This is how bacon is made.

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