Thursday, December 2, 2021

Leftover Makeover for Red, Green and Yellow Peppers Dish

 Whenever I buy red, green and yellow peppers, I will cook two different dishes with them. 

One will be my version of Sweet and Sour Pork. The other stir fry bell pepper dish I like to cook have some of the ingredients used in Sweet and Sour Pork, except cucumber. While the ingredients are cut into cubes for the Sweet and Sour Pork, they are sliced lenghwise in the second dish. Pork for Sweet and Sour Pork are deep fried with batter but the meat used in the second dish may be marinated chicken or pork which have been cut into strips.

There are a variety of sauces I used to cook it. These are the combination I have tried:

1) oyster sauce or
2) vegetarian oyster sauce or
3) BBQ sauce with honey or
4) Soya sauce with Worcestershire sauce

Sugar and salt are also added to taste.

If I want to use chicken instead of pork to cook this dish, I will marinate the pieces with garlic oil, soya sauce and sugar. I place the marinated chicken in a round metal container to air fry for 4 minutes at 180°F. I turn the chicken pieces over and air fry another 4 minutes or till the meat is well cooked. The sauce from the chicken is good enough to cook the peppers and other ingredients in.

If there are some leftover from this bell pepper dish, I add celery to the dish to serve it at the next meal. 

Recently, I came accross a recipe for Korean Street Toast

It inspired me to made my own version. I replaced the cabbage with thinly sliced bell peppers and the ham with minced or thin sliced pork.  I cook it with BBQ and pepper sauce.  It can be eaten with rice as is or added to scrambled eggs to pan fry for making toast like it is done in the Korean Street Toast recipe. 

I also serve any leftovers from my bell pepper dishes on toasted bread and top it with cheese.  This is how it turned out after I airfry it.

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