My daughter enjoys eating sweet corns. Usually I prepare them just by steaming them up over the soup I am cooking for the day. It is best to put a cover over the bowl of corns or their flavour will be lost in the liquid from the steam of boiling soup. I then flavour them with butter, which is good and healthy way to eat them.
I managed to find another way she can eat them since she also enjoys eating deep fried food. I found this Fried Corn Fritters recipe at Miso Jen Kitchen. I like it because it is simple and easy to make.
There is another version from Pailin's Kitchen. In her video she shared that the fritters are tastier if fresh corn is used. She also shared additional ingredients for the batter to make the fritters crunchier. There are some optional ingredients to consider adding to make them tastier.
These are the ingredients she used.
I have included dried shredded coconut and green onions as optional ingredients as they are not ingredients I commonly stock in my pantry.
I like mixing the dishes I have cooked so that I can serve them in different flavours. The most recent experiment that worked for me have to do with Marinated Chicken with BBQ Flavour from CP. The two peices supplied are drumsticks.
I usually put them, still frozen hard, in a metal container and airfry them by using the setting for cooking chicken. Before I start, I will dribble a tablespoon of garlic oil in the container to prevent the meat from sticking to it base as it cooks. Half way through, I will turn the chicken over to cook the other side. They are usually not fully cooked yet but after airfrying them, the meat will be soft enough to be cut with a pair of scissors into bite size pieces.
I will place the cut peices into a pot with half a cup of water to cook further. This is because, most of the time, we find prepacked marinated food a little too salty for our taste. So, it is a way for us to dilute it. Moreover, I prefer to cook my dishes with sauces in them. Once the liquid is boiling, I will reduce the heat and let it simmer for half an hour or till the meat is tender. This is the time to taste it for flavour. If it is not flavourful enough, I can add black pepper and tomato sauce to it. Other than that, I can opt to add oyster sauce and soya sauce.
Recently, I added a bell peppers dish that I have cooked earlier. I discovered that if too much yellow or red bell peppers are used over the green one, the dish will turn out too sweet for my husband's liking. To solve this issue, I added it to the BBQ flavour chicken I was cooking and the flavour turned out all right.
I prefer the sauce I have created for this BBQ flavour chicken thickened by adding cornstarch slurry to boil in it.
We are not Christians. We do not celebrate Christmas. But here I am, sharing information on social media on how one can use trimmings from a living conifer tree on display for Christmas to start a simmer pot of homemade air freshener. It just shows that I am a hoarder of useful tips and I enjoy sharing them to help others live a more eco-friendly life aka frugally. Continue reading if you are interested to learn how to save money on buying scented candles or fragrance oils.
I found out from reading some newsletters from Martha Stewart, that you have to trim the conifer tree you wish to display for Christmas. This is to ensure that you will have plenty of space between branches for decorations to hang freely. From what I have read, you don't have to throw away thoes trimmings. You can start a simmer pot by boiling them with pear slices and one or two sprigs of rosemary for an aromatic scent of winter in your home.
This video will give you an idea what a simmer pot is all about.
You can check out the other ingredients you can use from your kitchen to start a simmer pot from this articles shared by Martha Stewart:
If you like the idea, do a search online for "Simmer Pots .pdf". Through this search, I found more tips about starting a simmer pot from Compost Simmer Pots. You can even toss the peels from fruits you have eaten or juiced into the simmer pot.
This is the process for making a simmer pot:
-add all ingredients to a soup pot. -fill with water almost to the top. -boil over high heat. -once water is boiling, reduce heat. -let it simmer for as long as you like. -you can keep it in the refrigerator between simmers to extend its lifespan. -repeat each day until the mixture loses its scent. -compost the ingredients in the pot for your garden.
Recently, I watched the movie, "Origin", on Netflix. It is based on the life of Isabel Wilkerson who wrote the book, "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents".
Watch the movie and learn what she has to said about caste if you think that it is not relevant in your life. Maybe, I can persuade you to watch it by sharing what she said:
"Caste is not simply hatred. It is the worn grooves of routine and expectations, patterns of a social order that have been in place so long it looks natural when it isn't. Caste is everywhere, yet invisible. No one avoids exposure to its message and the message is simple. One kind of person is more desrving of freedom than another kind. Freedom to love whoever you want to love. Freedom to go wherever you want to go. Freedom to express yourself however you want to express yourself. Freedom to resist and fight for your human right to do so.
A world without caste would set everyone free".
Have you read this quote by J.M. Barrie?
"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again".
The reason why issues with social status can happen again is because we were not taught how to face it. The victims do not want to talk openly about their traumatic events. Those who could benefit by allowing unfair segregation to continue will not feel comfortable talking about it either. Isabel Wilkerson said that you don't escape trauma by ignoring it, you escape by confronting it. Her metaphor will change your mind if you plan on letting bygone be bygone:
"We are all like homeowners who have inherited a house on a piece of land that's beautiful on the outside but the soil is unstable. People say I had nothing to do with how this all started.I never owned slaves. I didn't mistreat untouchables. I didn't gas Jews. And yes, not one of us was around when this house is built. But here we are. The current occupants of a property with stress cracks built into the foundation and a roof that must be replaced. We are heirs to whatever is right or wrong with it. We didn't errect the uneven pillars but they are ours to deal with now. The cracks won't fix themselves. Any more deterioration is on our watch."
When I was younger, my mom used to make Rock Sugar Egg Syrup (冰糖鸡蛋糖水). She used a double boiler to gently cook the raw eggs which she added one by one into the pot of rock sugar syrup that she had prepared. In that way the yolk will be cooked but the whites will not break away from it too much. They looked like poached eggs but the yolks are well cooked.
I found an image of the enamel double boiler, she used at What To Cook Today. Marvellina is the publisher of this website. She also develops her own recipes which she shares with clear instructions and lots of photos.
If you do not have a double boiler, you can use a pot and a glass or metal bowl to do the job, as shown in the following video. However, the bowl must have a lid for it.
Drinking rock sugar water or syrup has a cooling effect on the body. I was told that it can become heaty to consume if it has been cooked over fire for a period of time. I guess that must be why my mom used the double boiler. Read the following articles if you are curious to know what I mean about cooling and heaty food and their effects on the body.
These are the steps for making a bowl of 冰糖鸡蛋糖水 (Rock Sugar Egg Syrup) if you use the above makeshift double boiler:
-boil water in the pot.
-place a glass or metal bowl over the pot as shown in the video.
-the base of the bowl should not be touching the boiling water.
-place rock sugar (a small piece) in the glass or metal bowl.
-add a bowl and a 1/4 of boiling water to the rock sugar.
-stir till rock sugar has dissolved.
-cover the glass or metal bowl.
-lower heat and continue to boil.
-add a raw egg when the water in the bowl starts steaming up and is hot enough.
-cover the glass or metal bowl and continue heating.
-it is ready to be served once the egg looks like poached egg.
It is alright to add hot water to the syrup if it is too sweet for you. However, do not make it with too little rock sugar or the 糖水 (sugar syrup) will taste too bland.
You can read how rock sugar nourish the body from the following article:
From there, I picked up 3 other methods to prepare it without a double boiler:
I can even use a rice cooker to make it with red dates and brown sugar:
I also like eat my eggs with white fungus cooked as a dessert or soup. These are the ingredients for the dessert:
-White fungus
-Red dates or dried longan
-Hard boiled chicken eggs and/or quail eggs
You can see how it is made by watching this video:
However, when I use white fungus, especially, in my soup, I like it to have a more gelantin texture. Watch this video if you like it slimy too. The hard boiled eggs, if required, can be added to the dessert with the white fungus.
Though it is suggested that you leave the dessert overnight in the fridge for the gelantin texture, it can be eaten as soon as it is cooked.
These are the ingredients for making the soup:
-White fungus (wash and prepare as shown in video)
-Wolfberry (for me it’s optional)
-Red dates (I just soak them in water and rinse them out twice)
-Yok chok (soak in water till soften and clean)
-Chicken (my choice drumsticks cut into 3 sections)
-Hard boiled chicken eggs (1 for each person) or quail eggs (15 per pack)
-1 Soup bowl of water
-Salt to taste
When I use my slow cooker for boiling soup, I prefer to boil the meat (chicken or pork) in a pot of water (1 1/2 soup bowl) first. In that way, when I pour the water into the slow cooker, I can sieve out any impurities from the boiled meat. Then I will add the rest of the ingredients to the slow cooker and cook it on low for 3 to 4 hours.
I enjoy reading postings on Quora. I have also been active there by sharing information about bicycles and useful tips about parts and stuff that I sell at my bike shop. I also enjoy collecting and sharing using tips I discovered at the site. Some of the information I keep may not be relevant to me but I am sure someone I know will find them useful one day because I have shared or saved them on one of my Pinterest boards.
This sums up my participation on Quora.
Today, I would like to share the following link to a collection of recipes used by the US Armed Force’s culinary professionals to serve up to 100 people. You can check out their Index Of Recipes for a quick look to see if any of the recipes there will interest you.
He said that they are all easy to prepare. As each recipe is for 100 portions, you will have to convert them to cater to the number of people you will be serving. He recommended trying out the Savory Baked Chicken.
When I do not have enough time to cook a meal for the following day, I will consider using a slow cooker to boil a soup or cook a dish the night before.
I like the way this Teriyaki Chicken dish is cooked in a slow cooker.